In this article:


    When Engaging Technical Support, please reference the priority levels below as they align to your issue.

    Proper alignment of priority to the reported issue is appreciated.

    Priority Level Description

    P1 (Urgent)

    Operation of the core or mission critical services are critically affected (not responding to requests or serving content) for a large number of users; no workaround available.
    Example: Most users are unable to authenticate to sign in and access resources.

    P2 (High)

    Services are responding and functional, but performance is degraded and/or an incident has potentially severe impact on the operation of the Services for multiple users.
    Example: a Connector or Remote Network experiencing an issue, multiple users are unable to access Resources as a result.

    P3 (Normal)

    Non-critical issue; no significant impact on performance of the Services, but user experience may be affected for specific users.
    Example: some users are having an issue with the Twingate Client or accessing a Twingate Resource.

    P4 (Low)

    Non impacting; informational.