In this article:
    Applicable to:
    • Twingate Component: Client
    • Platform: macOS
    • Device: MacBook device with a camera notch within the top menu bar.


    On some MacBook devices there is a notch in the menu bar for the camera. In instances where there are many menu bar application icons that approach the notch, the menu bar applications icons are truncated. Th


    Upon launching the Twingate Client the Twingate Client icon cannot be found in the menu bar. Activity monitor shows the Twingate process is running.


    In the below screenshot from a MacBook Pro M1 Pro device containing the camera notch (annotated), we see there are many menu bar icons that lead up to the camera notch. We do not see the Twingate Client icon but Activity Monitor shows the Twingate process is running.



    There are multiple methods to work through the situation that we are aware of. A few of these are below. Additional methods or discussion to the matter can be found on Apple's Community and various other forum-like websites found through keyword searches. One such example of the discussion is

    • Use an external monitor without a notch on the menu bar. As seen in the below screenshot, all menu bar icons are displayed, including the Twingate process that was not previously seen.
    • Leverage third party applications** that allow for collapsing and expanding menu bar icons.
    • Quit applications that are present in the menu bar until the Twingate Client icon appears.

    Note: once the Twingate Client icon is present, you can hold command to click and drag the icons to reorder. 



    *Disclaimer link: This is a third party link to a forum provided as a courtesy for reference. There are third party applications discussed in the forum thread. Twingate does not endorse any third parties or the content found via this link.

    **Disclaimer note: Twingate does not explicitly endorse any third party applications. This statement is provided as a courtesy for your reference; third party application use is at your discretion.